Glogster is an eclectic website for all disciplines. At its essence, Glogtser is a multi-dimensional digital poster/collage. Students can express their ideas, creativity and knowledge on a multimedia canvas. This serves as a great culminating project when studying a novel. Students can analyze characters, motives, plot elements etc... The teacher can create specific expectations while the student still has the creative freedom to showcase their knowledge in various mediums. Teachers can create a rubric or use the ones on the website. Glogster has video tutorials to walk the students through the creation process. By using Glogster EDU, teachers have access to all class glogs in on place. Glogster is also a wonderful tool for presentations. The class will be more focused on all the visuals and less on the student speaking. Give it a try for your next project!
Are you tired of sending or receiving feedback via email that gets lost in your inbox? Jotform is here to save the day. Jot form is a an online form builder. I use it to keep track of important information that I want separate from my email. I created a letter of recommendation request form. I shared the link on Google Classroom and students were able to fill it out and it was automatically returned to me. I can now keep track of the students that need letters and when they need their letters. Jotform is also great for creating surveys, questionnaires and just about anything you can think of.
If you try to stay away from paper copies and you like to have interactive feedback then Wizer is the tool for you! Teachers can create tests, quizzes, writing assignments, projects etc... The visuals are aesthetically appealing and it's easy to modify and differentiate to various learners. Teachers can send it to Google Classroom with just one click and students simply login in with their google accounts. This site has saved me hours of grading time. Try it out.
What if you could receive reflective feedback from your students in a new way? Flipgrid is a social grid platform where groups share ideas on topics in short video responses. Instead of assigning a blog chat, or discussion questions why not post a video question and wait for the video responses from your classes. Teachers can use Flipgrid for PLC time or to share ideas with colleagues from all content areas. Flipgrid can be used to have a book chat, give a brief presentation or as an icebreaker. The possibilities are endless!
Wouldn't you love the time and opportunity to conference with every student on their writing skills and development? Kaizena is an online Google add-on that neatly integrates with Google Docs and Google Classroom. With this add on, you can sit from the comfort of your own couch and have a personal conference with your students. Simply open their document through the Kaizena app and as you read through their essay you can comment and record your automatic feedback for the student. The app records your voice as you are going through the essay in real time. All you have to do is save it and send it to the student. The student is able to open the recording and document to see and hear your feedback. This will save you hours of grading time and students get faster feedback that is beneficial to their growth as a writer.